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An app to promote tourist and cultural routes by hunting for the content needed to compose a digital postcard



Regeneration of places


ARTWALKS is the app that provides a playful and interactive experience, hunting for the content needed to compose a digital postcard.

To the users Artwalks offers original content, specially produced by artists and characterized by a strong emotional impact.

To the clients Artwalks offers the opportunity to be promoted directly by their users, through sharing the postcard on social channels.

The app is connected to a paper map in which points of interest are indicated and described.

The blending of analog and digital makes the experience a real exploration in which, as you try to get to your destination, you get lost to find more.

Notice: Artwalks is no longer running as of 2021: if you want to find out which cities it was made in and browse some of the art content produced for the app visit the site.

1) SEARCH the points of interest you find on the guide available at the reception points and set out on your way;

2) CREATE your own postcard by choosing from original images and poems produced by Artwalks artists and stamp it with a selfie;

3) SHARE the postcard in real time on your social channels or save it to your device.

ARTWALKS is a project conceived and curated by Sineglossa.